CS to be used for child?

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Ok heres the background. Dad and mom have joint custody with mom having physical. Child and Mom live with Mom's Mother. Mom doesn't have to pay any expenses other than cell phone bill and gas for work. Mom doesn't have to pay for food she gets food stamps, Doesn't pay rent, or heating. Literally no expenses. Also the Moms mother buys a good deal of the childs clothing. The Moms Mother makes well over 50k a year. So my question is....When Dad is paying the child support, right....where is it going? Well, maybe for gas and to pay her phone bills but Mom has a full time job for that. Can't be paying child care expenses because child doesn't go to day care. The child is majority of the time with Dad and when child is at Moms she is watched by the boyfriend while mom works or by the mother. Mom reffers to the child support as her money and Dad happens to know that the child support is not going to the child. Infact it gets taken out at an ATM and supplies her nights out to the bar and supports her drug habbits. Is there anything that a court can order to make the Child support be forced to be used for the child? I didn't think there was much dad could do. Also whats going on is hard to prove being as she pulls it out of an atm. Anyone have any ideas? This may be impossble to do but I guess we wont know till we ask right.
Depending on what the visitation order states and how long it has been since the child support amount has been calculated, Dad could file for a modification (to have more visitation) and have the child support amount looked at. Unfortunately, for the most part, the only determining factors in setting child support are the incomes for Mom and Dad. He may get a little break if he spends a certain number of overnights with the child, but otherwise, child support is what it is.
Money is fungible. Once it goes into a pot, who is to say that YOUR child support didn't go to fund the children's needs. In short, no. It is none of your business what she does with the child support as long as the children have their needs met.

I pay child support too, so don't think I'm not sympathetic. But just give up on this line of thinking.
Most of what you said does not matter. As long as the childs needs are being met, you have no say on what mom does with the child support momney. If you do not like mom living with her mom then file for custody but that itself is not really a reason to get custody. If Grandma does not mind her freeloading daughter living there and suporting her and the child, that is her business.
Bottom line, Barbie, is that Mom is allowed to get twice-weekly mani/pedis, and spend it on liquor and Jimmy Choos if she wants; as long as kiddo is housed, fed and clothed, then the money is hers to do with as she pleases.

Also a court will not order Mom to either account for how it's being spent, or spend every penny directly on the child.

I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but it is what it is!
Bottom line, Barbie, is that Mom is allowed to get twice-weekly mani/pedis, and spend it on liquor and Jimmy Choos if she wants; as long as kiddo is housed, fed and clothed, then the money is hers to do with as she pleases.

Also a court will not order Mom to either account for how it's being spent, or spend every penny directly on the child.

I know that's not what you wanted to hear, but it is what it is!

Of course, the significant other never wants to hear stuff like that.:no:
it's w/e. It's not like I didn't think this was how it was. I dont mind hearing the truth. And I'm not the significate other....All I wanted to know was if there was a way to have childsupport made to be used for the child. I got the answer.

Also in this situation there was a time when mom was completely unemployed and her mom was supporting her entirely and the CP was going to only drugs and drinking. So there was at one point no pot full of money. But I get it, moms money is moms money.
it's w/e. It's not like I didn't think this was how it was. I dont mind hearing the truth. And I'm not the significate other....All I wanted to know was if there was a way to have childsupport made to be used for the child. I got the answer.

Also in this situation there was a time when mom was completely unemployed and her mom was supporting her entirely and the CP was going to only drugs and drinking. So there was at one point no pot full of money. But I get it, moms money is moms money.

LEGALLY anything to do with this child has NOTHING to do with you. If the actual PARENT is concerned have him create his own user name and ask his own questions.
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