From the past 3 semesters, I've never been asked by my advisors(always had different advisors for every new semester) where I want to transfer next.
I doubt that any advisor going forward will ask you where you wish to transfer, or even if you want to transfer.
Your school's adviser role is to discuss how to stay on track to graduate from your current school, not advise you how to gain entrance to other schools.
If you contemplate transferring to The College of Hard Knocks you are responsible for making that happen, not others.
I dont know what Im supposed to do and what classes Id have to take without wasting my time and money.
You're an adult.
Welcome to the world as it will be for the rest of your life, YOU are responsible for yourself.
Mommy might have helped you remember NOT to misplace your mittens, in the adult world that is your job now, mate!
I feel that the whole CUNY system is rigged and there's lack of transperancy.
If that is what you choose to believe, you might avoid the TRAP.
I have to pay 2 times the tuition as Im an international student.
No you don't.
You can return to the country in which you hold citizenship.
No one kidnapped you and forced you to come to the USA and forced you to attend a two year college.
If you dislike it here, please leave!
If I and other students knew about it before hand, we wouldve taken steps that would be more benefitial both time and cost wise.
You know it now, so all you have to do is leave.
In this country, MOST of us pay our own way, as well as being taxed to pay the way for layabouts and ne'er do wells.
Good bye, safe travels, pal.