Curious about the education system

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Hello, my situation is that I am a transfer student. Currently I am in a CUNY school and I was planning to finish it in one year but two problems came up. The first is that I went to other schools before but only 30 credits maximum can transfer. Why is this? I can't seem to find any answer to this when I look it up. There is no way to test out of those classes either. Even if I were to accept that fact, why would they take pre-calculus over calculus 1? It doesn't make any sense to me and because of this, I have to take them again and I feel like I'm being stuck in school forever. The second problem is that the online system is annoying. At this school you need to have registered for something called e-permit to take classes at another school. The deadline for this is November 1st for spring term and the orientation for my major was on October 31st where they explained this. Even then you don't need an e-permit until you speak with an advisor for registration and that happens usually around late November. How does that make any sense? Sorry for the long question, is there anything I can do about this? Sue them, anything? Thanks for your help everyone.
You follow the requirements laid down by the school.

And no, you can't sue.

(Well, technically you can - in as much as anyone can sue anyone else for any reason - but you won't succeed and would likely end up paying the school's legal fees)
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