curious actions of a former employer

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Some background will be required before the actual questions:

I worked as an assistant general manager at a resort in Utah from early September 2007 until mid April 2008. As of 4/1/08 the resort was sold and the new owners took over. A couple of weeks later, I was the first of several employees to have my position "phased out" and was let go with one months severance pay. During my two meetings with the new management at which they were "phasing" out my position, certain comments were made by the highest ranking in the room that I should be quiet about my termination or they may make my job search "challenging" by "providing negative reviews" to any one calling for an employment reference check. I was quiet to other resort employees about the actions taken and comments made. During my short time at the resort, my record was immaculate with no disciplinary actions or sub par performance reviews. I was eventually able to obtain a job in mid May in the state of Washington where I still am today.

Flash forward to the present. I now have suspicions that the resort in Utah may be following through on their threats for two reasons. First, I am currently looking for a new job to return to the southwest for health reasons. I had two positive job interviews that inexplicably ceased progress without any explanation. I was curious about these actions, so I asked a former co-worker, who happens to be an assistant HR director, call the resort in Utah and present herself as someone calling to do a reference check for my employment record. She was told by the resort personnel that they had "no record" of me. Although they did have records of other people that worked there before and after the sale of the ranch. And I do have a paycheck stub and W2 form to reflect I was employed by the new owners, albeit a very short time. I feel this response is giving prospective employers the incorrect impression that I may be falsifying my resume' and/or job application. Secondly, I have been having some health insurance problems and needed a certificate of insurance coverage while I was employed at the resort in Utah. I called the Utah Blue Cross office and they too had similar difficulties with the resort verifying my employment dates.

So my actual question is two parts:
1.When a business is purchased, are they required by law to retain the records of employees prior to their purchase date?
2.If the resort is telling people calling for a reference check for my employment at the resort that they have no record of me, do I have any legal grounds to correct their actions?

Thank you very much for reading my long post!
Thats an interesting question. Is there a way to put your direct supervisor (at the time) name on for reference purposes? That way the personnel dept could at least vouch that the your supervisor was employed there. Also could you use your direct supervisor (at the time's name). You could also cal the personnel dept. your self and explain the dilemma.
Thank you for the suggestions. Unfortunately, to further complicate my situation...the original resort owner who hired me and was my immediate supervisor has dropped off the face of the earth after he sold the resort. I have made several attempts to contact him, but have had no success. I also learned that my immediate supervisor at the time of me being "phased out" has left the company. I am planning on calling the resort myself next week and try to get this mess straightened out.
Do you have any pay stubs or W-2's from the time you worked there that would show you as an employee?
Yes, I have W2s and paystubs as proof that I worked there, but it's a bit weird when I need to mention that to possible future employers in my current job search. My career is spotless except for this unwarranted kink and so far I suspect that these actions may be giving a negative spin on my current job search.
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