Custody, and Convictions

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What is the likelyhood of a judge granting physical custody to a parent who has been convicted of involuntary manslaughter years ago, along with pleading no contest to a assualt on his minor child from a previous relationship? I the mother has no convictions or arrest. My husband left us, I had our daughter in my care, up until he took her out of school, 12/17/09 and enrolled her in a another school cross town. I have yet to see her. I can't afford a lawyer, but I did file for a emergency hearing, he does not have a lawyer either. I'm filled with worry. Will the judge take in consideration he has prevented from seeing her. When she was in my care He picked her up on the weekends and returned her on sundays. I have a child from my first marriage that he is preventing her to see her sister, will the judge consider that? Can someone give me some type of clue as to what to expect. I can't eat or sleep becasue of the stress. Any advise will do at this point. Thank-You
The fact that he has a manslaughter and an assault of a child does not automatically preclude him from getting custody. However, his more recent actions of keeping the child away from you and his actions of virtually kidnapping the child are going to go against him in a custody hearing. It is unlikely you will lose custody. Go as prepared as you can. Bring any proof you have of his past convictions. Bring proof if you have it of him taking the children or keeping you away from them. A judge will see through this sort of thing. I would expect you to get the children back. If he continues to act this way I can see the judge giving him only supervised visitation. Good luck.
Why did you have a child with someone of this background? So you were ok with it then but now since you are split up it is not ok? If you can prove the child is better off with you then you might get custody back but unless this man has harmed this child, his background may not matter. If he has the childs in his care now, unlikely he will get supervisrd visits they will likely be unsupervised. You had a child with this man despite his background, get used to parenting with him.
Did Not know

Trust me, had I known about his manslaughter charge I would not have married him. I didn't find out until the end of the marriage. This happend in another state.
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