custody fight

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Hi, I am helping my fiancé get a custody mod in tampa, fl. There is one domestic violence arrest that was dropped in 2010 and came about because she stole 50,000 via online banking, they were not married, and that was the same year they got first custody order in place. She had a cocaine nolo prose 20 years ago. He is not perfect but is a loving father. She is same but bitter, very controlling and alienating child. He cannot afford attorney we have been doing pro se, he had attorney in 2010 and she still got full custody. How do we show the judge he is able to care for his son and have overnite visits, and weekend visits. We are looking for shared custody because she says he(child) is her property and no judge can tell her what to do. Any suggestions?? I am looking for pro bono lawyers or any father rights attorney?? please help child cries to come over she says NO!
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For Dad to get a custody modification, he needs to show a significant change of circumstance.

So what has changed?

How many times has he filed for contempt for her refusing court-ordered visitation?

Does he even have a visitation schedule?
Hi, thanks for your reply. Yes, since the first order Dad purchased a home, has a bedroom for his son with everything he needs and home is fenced. The boy is also now 5 years old. Filed for contempt once on 8/11 and she started to let Dad see child. Also filed a for a modification then but did not follow up and it was dismissed without prejudice. His visitation is based on moms working schedule and very vague, also mom is unable to work due to grand mal seizures. I realize is not an ideal situation but...
Sorry, but that state wants to see a change in the CHILD'S circumstances.

Also, please type out word for word (minus names of course) what Dad's visitation schedule actually says - because I have a feeling it's vague enough to protect Mom against any contempt allegation.
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