Consumer Fraud Cyber Defamation

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Just wondering if I have a case against someone making character assasination. Publishing comments about me being mentally ill accusing me of being a sociopath. Both of which are no true and have caused me emotional distress. Do I have any recourse against this person? And yes the accusations can be proven false. Any advise would be appreciated. Thank you.
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You should consult with a personal injury lawyer.
Thanks for your reply. Just off the top of your head, does this sound like something an attorney could do something about? I just do not want to waste anyone's time. Thanks again.
There are tons of facts you would need to tell a lawyer.

Generally, defamation cases are worthless because the bad person has no money and it never stops someone from defaming you.
You should definitely consult with a shouldn't ever feel like your wasting an attorneys time, if you feel any of your rights were violated, then express those points...and hopefully everything will work out for the best.
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