Harassment, Stalking, Misconduct Cyber Stalking Via 2 Facebook messages

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Then why hasn't my lawyer done anything. He cost and arm and leg...

That's why I suggested you contact him and ask.

If he does this correctly, you'll walk.

But, be smart, talk to a couple more GOOD criminal defense lawyers and see what they advise.

The initial consultation is often FREE of charge and obligation.

Stick to the topic: SPEEDY TRIAL MOTION

I can personally attest to the fact of getting at least 80 to 100 clients absolved of all charges and a get out of trouble card using "speedy trial motions".
And if you are so lacking in common decency as not to know what is and is not appropriate comment on FB, you not only don't belong on Facebook but you don't belong in company with others, either.
And if you are so lacking in common decency as not to know what is and is not appropriate comment on FB, you not only don't belong on Facebook but you don't belong in company with others, either.

It's called personal responsibility. You can't claim you're being harassed if you're fb is public, your privacy is set to public, you keep reading messages and can't be bothered to click block.

Oh save me! I'm being harassed but I've done nothing but make myself public on the internet!

People threaten me, sexually harass me at work and you don't see me calling police on people. Who cares what someone says on FB.

FB even says if someone bothers you, block them or change your privacy. LOL.
Also, sending messages to a public profile cannot be a form of stalking. Stalking would be creating new profiles after you were blocked, to purposefully harass someone. Actions speak louder than words and you can't prove any messages were unwanted. You read them, accept them and do nothing to stop from reading them.
Whatever you say. Anyway, work with your lawyer & possibly talk to a couple more good criminal defense attorneys as suggested by A.J.
Also, sending messages to a public profile cannot be a form of stalking. Stalking would be creating new profiles after you were blocked, to purposefully harass someone. Actions speak louder than words and you can't prove any messages were unwanted. You read them, accept them and do nothing to stop from reading them.

I've tried to help you, but you insist on admitting to something that the state is required to prove.

Let me know what happens, please.

I suspect the state might let you go.

Good luck.
I'm just worried about my life being ruined. I can't even plan for anything.

I already paid my lawyer a bunch of money, getting a new one isn't an option. I get the vibe he's not taking it seriously because it's a Cyber crime.
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Yes, it's called personal responsibility. I suggest you start taking some, instead of expecting that everyone else make all the adjustments so that you can do whatever you want without regard for anyone but yourself.
Yes, it's called personal responsibility. I suggest you start taking some, instead of expecting that everyone else make all the adjustments so that you can do whatever you want without regard for anyone but yourself.

Don't join a Social media site if you don't want to get messages, the whole point of joining one.
Anyway. I see nothing will put my mind at ease. I probably should not have posted but thanks A. J. I'll let you know what happens in a few weeks.
There are messages and there are messages. The answer to receiving unwanted messages is not to drop off all social media, but for the person who is sending you unwanted messages to stop. The point of social media is not to be a dating site; nor is it for you to be able to send anything you like to anyone you want and their only option is to stop posting altogether so that you don't have to behave like a civilized human being.
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