Computer Crimes, Hacking Cyberstalker trying to ruin my reputation/career


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A former classmate and I used to flirt back in 2013 and I touched her backside going up the escalator to a subway one night, thinking it'd be cute. I absolutely know better to do that now, but it is what happened. She was not happy and I apologized immediately. I felt terrible and knew I was wrong, and she went her way. I apologized in text again with a "I'm sorry I touched your ass". We didn't talk for a bit and Abo it a year later I wrote a more heartfelt, reflective apology. Later she forgave me because "we all do things we don't intend to hurt someone." We were friends again for a year and talked about normal things until 1 day "YOU ATTACKED ME" I appgolized without saying anything besides "I inappropriately touched you" and I'm sorry. This ends in 2017.

Fastforward to 6 months ago (2020) she pops back up. I had a video go mini viral that A famous actor had retweeted as part of a fundraiser during covid. A week later she tweet at me, my wife, and the actor "did you tell them you sexually assaulted me in the subway 7 years ago? - my wife (who already knew the real story) and I blocked her and she kept tweeting at the actor like I was friends. Then all hell broke loose.

Numerous posts about how she is going to do a week of metoo posts and call out all her 7 attackers, and that she "has contacts and names of family members, mothers, employers" and she will lose friends and job opportunities but this must be done. She then posts the screenshot of my apology of "touching her ass" NUMEROUS times every time stating I sexually assaulted her and I am a predator. She never did any of the other 7 she claimed and spent 2 weeks on me, this included:
Tweeting non-public information about where I work - images of my wife's accounts that blocked her and slandered her in front of her current students - attacked my employer telling them they needed to "do the right thing"- realized that even though I blocked her she could see every Twitter thread my account had ever been mentioned on and tweeted randomly at threads tagged with important people in my field dating back 2 years to post the images and call me a sexual assaulted. She tried to make fake accounts to get to my wife. She screamed at her friends on FB that had unfollowed her threatening that she had taken screen shots of every friend on her list and if anyone unfollows hers she will come after them because they are support sexual harassment. She continues to aggressively call out members of my community on social media's whom I work with at times in our freelance world trying to get them to turn on me. I have felt I am unable to respond or it will be used against me for trying to "silence a woman". I admit what I have done and it is not this.

My employer (who really has nothing to do with any of this since it was 6 years before I worked with them) wrote to get a response from her. After a 4 week social media onslaught that gain no traction she said the same as she did in every tweet with the same screen shot with "what are you going to do about it?

Every couple of months there is another batch of the same thing for about a week before it goes away again. She finally reached out to my employer again last week asking why I haven't been fired yet. She has now gone to another organization in our field and is trying to get them to do something to me (the organization fights for workers pay and equality rights and have never been approached with this before) likely with the same small amount of information she has been giving and not mentioning the 2 years of other texts we had afterwards, the other apologies, the forgiveness etc.

She until now has refused to respond in any message but only in public. It is clear that the only thing she wants is to publically tear me down in a freelance world that reputation and image are very important.

This is now 6 months of this. We have mentally be tormented, we have had health issues flair up, i ended up in the hospital from a panic attack, my wife colitis flared up from the stress and went on steroids that cause immune issues in the middle of a pandemic that caused us to lose wages due to her not being able to do in person work. She forced me to have to remove social media accounts I'd used for my business and advertising that I'd built up over 10 years.

I know my action was wrong and regretted immediately. But I am so confused now and at a complete loss of what to do. If anyone has any advice please let me know. We are crippled. I stay up half the night watching my doorbell camera to see if anyone goes by. I know the website she posted my personal information from (which I had protected for only some to see) had any home address on it and we are terrified .

We are in different states but I am in MA.
Any advice is helpful. We are paralyzed.
We are in different states but I am in MA.
Any advice is helpful. We are paralyzed.

Think about "stimulus-response theory" for a few minutes.

In 1927 Ivan Pavlov conducted a rather amusing psychological experiment when he showed that by pairing a conditioned stimulus (a bell) with an unconditioned stimulus (food), a dog would begin to salivate (response) when the bell was rung without presenting the food. This is known as Classical Conditioning or Stimulus-Response Theory of Behavior.

If an organism IGNORES (or chooses NOT to respond to a stimulus) the organism sending the stimulus will sooner or later STOP the behavior you dislike.

You might recall one of your high school or middle school teachers, even a college professor suddenly becoming silent when students began to chatter.

Sooner or later, the chatter would stop, and the instructor once more began speaking.

If a behavior is ignored, the organism initiating the behavior will usually stifle or silence itself.

In summation, should you IGNORE whatever the offending party does or says, the offending party will LIKELY eventually extinguish it's behavior, or at least reduce what bothers you.
Think about "stimulus-response theory" for a few minutes.

In 1927 Ivan Pavlov conducted a rather amusing psychological experiment when he showed that by pairing a conditioned stimulus (a bell) with an unconditioned stimulus (food), a dog would begin to salivate (response) when the bell was rung without presenting the food. This is known as Classical Conditioning or Stimulus-Response Theory of Behavior.

If an organism IGNORES (or chooses NOT to respond to a stimulus) the organism sending the stimulus will sooner or later STOP the behavior you dislike.

You might recall one of your high school or middle school teachers, even a college professor suddenly becoming silent when students began to chatter.

Sooner or later, the chatter would stop, and the instructor once more began speaking.

If a behavior is ignored, the organism initiating the behavior will usually stifle or silence itself.

In summation, should you IGNORE whatever the offending party does or says, the offending party will LIKELY eventually extinguish it's behavior, or at least reduce what bothers you.

I love the theory and, while my mind has not been able to ignore it, by all intents and purposes, she thinks I am. I have not given any sort of acknowledgement or reaction to anything. I have friends lookin out for things for documentation.

the problem is she's harming me being able to advertise my career as a freelancer and I'm contacts any my employers or people trying to partner with me with these statements causing delays and blocking some projects.
If you are losing money because of all this, see a lawyer.

If you aren't losing money, ignore it. Wouldn't hurt you and your wife to disappear from social media.

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