Dad terminated due to illness

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My dad started working for a firm in 2006, had a surgery in 2007 for kinked bowel, later they discovered carcinoid tumor cancer (not life threatening according to surgeon but the 500cc abcess that formed thanks to a botched surgery was). Anyway he still went to work and even when he couldn't drive anymore I drove him as I'm retired military and had the time to do it. His med bills were extensive and starting in 2009 it was obvious his company was trying to starve him out ie. he was a heavy duty equipment salesman and everytime he sold something which was pretty often they came and said they were going to just "wholesale" the unit vice retailing (makes zero sense to turn down a profit and take a loss). He hung in there and wouldn't quit which was obvious they wanted him too. Finally they apparantly had enough. 8/3/09 they came down, shut the doors and said out of a job and cancelled all benefits including health 8/5/09. Stated reason for termination was "staff reduction". This was too much for my dad, 9/12/09 he passed away. Now they are reopening the sales section...imagine that! Maybe I'm wrong but it's obvious to me they were just wanting to get rid of him because he was damaging their bottom line while using his health benefits. The fellow who came down to "close" the sales office even stated to my dad's partner that he could keep his insurance for the rest of the month but my dad's would be cancelled immediately. A disgusting bottom feeding type to say the least! Any advice would be appreciated and btw now they are trying to renig on his life insurance as well.
Thanks. Speaking of disability, he had finally requested short term disability, this is what I would say was the final straw for them and it was almost 2 wks later that they canned him. Thanks again
'bad faith' insurance carriers, like self insured employers, my former employer included, will do anything 'not to pay'....if you think this is the case, check your state's insurance commission about how to file a complaint about a 'bad faith' insurer
The only thing that could be looked at now is the life insurance. If it was a group term policy, such coverage almost always ends with the separation from employment of the employee, unless there was a conversion option and it was taken within the required time frame. If he missed at least 12 weeks in the last year, his job no longer would have been protected under FMLA, if it even applied, which I can't tell from your post. And even if FMLA did apply, it does not protect one's job against termination that would have happened anyway; it would only have been a violation to fire him because he took FMLA and his FMLA time had not yet expired.

I'm sorry for your loss, but I don't know what else you may be looking for.
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