Darwin Award Candidate

About the author (2022)

DAWN O'PORTER lives in Los Angeles with her husband Chris, her two boys Art and Valentine, cats Myrtle and Boo. Dawn is the bestselling author of the novels The Cows and the Richard and Judy Book Club pick So Lucky, and her non-fiction title Life in Pieces was also a Sunday Times bestseller. Dawn started out in TV production but quickly landed in front of the camera, making numerous documentaries that included immersive investigations of Polygamy, Size Zero, Childbirth, Free Love, Breast Cancer and the movie Dirty Dancing. Dawn's journalism has appeared in multiple publications and she was the monthly columnist for Glamour magazine. She is now a full-time writer of eight books, designs dresses for Joanie Clothing, LOVES instagram, and has a large following on her Patreon blog. www.dawnoporter.co.uk @hotpatooties /DawnOPorter


Cat Lady

Dawn O'Porter

12,521 ratings1,218 reviews


Single, independent, crazy, aloof, on-the-shelf, lives alone...

It's safer for Mia to play the part that people expect. She's a good wife to her husband Tristan, a doting stepmother, she slips on her suit for work each morning like a new skin.

But beneath the surface, there's another woman just clawing to get out...

When a shocking event shatters the conventional life she's been so careful to build, Mia is faced with a choice. Does she live for a society that's all too quick to judge, or does she live for herself?

And if that's as an independent woman with a cat, then the world better get ready...

Fresh, funny and for anyone who's ever felt astray, Cat Lady will help you belong – because a woman always lands on her feet.

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