DCS case opened against my wife and I because my son told a silly story about a beer bong


Levi Jarvis

I recently took my family on vacation to Panama City Beach for Thanksgiving and visited my parents. On the last day my mother took my son (age 4) to the everything's a dollar store. As he was walking around, deciding what 5 gifts he could have for himself, he saw a beer funnel. My son helps me in the garage every time he has the chance. As I'm an active parent and never give up an opportunity to teach my kids something new, I love it. Before leaving on vacation my son and I change the oil in the minivan. His job was to hold the oil funnel steady while I filled the container with old oil. The beer funnel at the dollar store was absolutely identical. He lit up like a Christmas tree as he said "Oh look! I can use this to help daddy in the garage!" Seeing no harm his grandmother and I laughed and let him buy it. As we returned to the beach house everybody laughed innocently about the gift he was most excited about. A few jokes were made, not directed towards my son, but he obviously heard a couple gestures. On the Monday we returned home, my son (in pre-K) told some kids he got a beer bong at the beach and chugs beer. His teacher asked him some questions, (he tells us) and then called DCS. DCS never interviewed my son, and an agent knocked on our door later that evening. My wife explained the situation and after about 5 minutes the agent laughed and closed the case. She never even wanted to come inside the house. My problem with this is the fact my wife and I have an unreasonable case on our history with DCS. I also feel we have been violated. The extent this Williamson county school took the situation was too extreme. I look forward to any advise. Thank You
The school system did exactly what they are mandated by law to do. It is not for the school to investigate what happens in your home and a young child being bought a beer bong or even knowing what one is would certainly warrant investigation by DCF. I would suggest being more careful about what is said around the child, even in jest. Jokes about children consuming alcohol are not funny and sadly, a dangerous reality for too many kids.
Don't talk about things like that around a small child who has no filter. As stated they did their job. There are some parents who might let their small child do such things. So that's why they investigate. If it was immediately closed then what's the problem?

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