Debt Collection Dispute

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I recently received a collection letter for a debt I do not owe and have responded with a dispute letter. This is the second collection agency to take on this alleged debt. The first never responded to my first dispute letter (they did, apparently, wipe out half the debt, because #2 is asking for much less).

The alleged debt is only for a couple hundred dollars and I know for a certainty that it is incorrect (the merchandise in question was returned). I've asked for proof of the debt, with all details, but have yet to receive a response.

This is my first time dealing with collections. My credit is spotless. What can I expect in the coming weeks, and how do I further fight this debt without piling up legal bills?

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Make sure that you check your credit file as Ive learned collection agencies like to send false information to the bureaus. Happens alot where collection agencies ruin lives for fake bills.
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