deceptive hiring practices

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New Member
My jurisdiction is: kentucky

i was recently hired by a union company. the ad in the newspaper was for a specific shift. i left a good job to take this one. once hired i never once was worked the advertised shift. i fell that i was falsley lured to the company only to cover vacation time and other days off for the day shift person. i would have never taken the job if they were honest about it up front. does this fall under the definition of false advertising? or are employers accountable for any lies while hiring?
Advertisements that contain representations that are false, misleading, or deceptive are illegal under state and federal laws. To be found guilty of false advertising, it must be shown that the advertisement was deceptive in nature. Proof that the ad actually harmed anyone is not important. Moreover, the intentions of the advertiser are irrelevant, including if the false or deceptive advertisement was a mistake.
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