Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Default Shoplifting Via Adding Small Tip. (Class B Misdemeanor)

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Thank you again. I'm trying to keep my chin up. So much is coming to me that totally explains his behavior over the years of marriage. It's kind of relieving to know the why, but upsetting to know it's a very challenging disorder - even with meds and therapy.

I'll update on this thread if you'd like on how things go over the upcoming court date(s?).

Inch by inch, day by day, steady as you go.
Good luck, and by all means, we live to hear how things progress and happy endings are the best!
Inch by inch, day by day, steady as you go.
Good luck, and by all means, we live to hear how things progress and happy endings are the best!

Update, he finally had his pre-trial with a court appointed public defender (costs us $50). He did what the PD suggested with the plea of "no contest." The judge ordered $680 in fines to be paid off within 6 months. He won't be allowed to try to get the Class B Misdemeanor expunged for at least six months. Of course any jail time was suspended.

Thanks for all the advice and information.
Update, he finally had his pre-trial with a court appointed public defender (costs us $50). He did what the PD suggested with the plea of "no contest." The judge ordered $680 in fines to be paid off within 6 months. He won't be allowed to try to get the Class B Misdemeanor expunged for at least six months. Of course any jail time was suspended.

Thanks for all the advice and information.

Well, good for you and your family.
I hope he sees now, as I'm sure you've told him, crime never pays!
God bless.
Wow... What a rollercoaster..
This is the issue i have with some courts today. This man is a thief for sure... but.... given that he has 4 children, wife and was working two jobs. Tells me he has at least part of his mind on correctly. Then he decided to get stupid for 3.00 to start this rollercoaster. Lost both jobs... but the court fines him 680.00. If he had 680.00 extra maybe that 3.00 wouldn't have looked good. This is where " I THINK " courts need to consider the person family into the mix. 680.00 fine is HUGE to a family of 6 for sure. I wish instead of fines they would allow the person to "Work in the community " to pay these fines. No doubt he was a dumbbutt for stealing.... I hate a thief for taking something that someone else worked hard for. BUT........ giving him a fine that will hurt the other 5 in his family isn't right. They should hurt him.... by making HIM work off these fines. Lets hope your husband doesn't have another brain fart.....
Wow... What a rollercoaster..
This is the issue i have with some courts today. This man is a thief for sure... but.... given that he has 4 children, wife and was working two jobs. Tells me he has at least part of his mind on correctly. Then he decided to get stupid for 3.00 to start this rollercoaster. Lost both jobs... but the court fines him 680.00. If he had 680.00 extra maybe that 3.00 wouldn't have looked good. This is where " I THINK " courts need to consider the person family into the mix. 680.00 fine is HUGE to a family of 6 for sure. I wish instead of fines they would allow the person to "Work in the community " to pay these fines. No doubt he was a dumbbutt for stealing.... I hate a thief for taking something that someone else worked hard for. BUT........ giving him a fine that will hurt the other 5 in his family isn't right. They should hurt him.... by making HIM work off these fines. Lets hope your husband doesn't have another brain fart.....

Great ideas, and some judges do take the family (especially children) into account.
In many cases, fines can even be suspended and dismissed if the person completes his or her probation successfully.

The problem with working in jobs for the city, county, or state; UNIONS say it takes from their potential earnings and pockets.

No matter what you do, someone won't like it.

Nevertheless, I'm glad her hubby got through it alive and still a free member of the community.

I hope HE recognizes what a great wife he has for standing by him through this sordid bit of business.
I feel for any family in distress (I know a few) but theft is never a resolution! I have worked with countless clients who made same poor choice. It does not resolve the problem but adds to it. I agree that alternatives to fines would be great but then everyone would want them and this could have a negative impact as well.
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The idea is to make it hurt enough to stop the miscreant from doing it again. If you knew that the punishment was going to affect your family as well as yourself, wouldn't that cause you to think twice before you repeated it?

I feel for the wife and kids here, but I have not one whit of sympathy for the husband.
The idea is to make it hurt enough to stop the miscreant from doing it again. If you knew that the punishment was going to affect your family as well as yourself, wouldn't that cause you to think twice before you repeated it?

I feel for the wife and kids here, but I have not one whit of sympathy for the husband.

In some cases, the thief cares more about feeding the addiction, getting a thrill, or funding the extramarital affair; than he or she should about the children and/or the spouse.
I've seen some cases where the miscreant was behind thousands of dollars in child support, which is statement unto itself.
I sure do wish the planet were a better place, but its human occupants seem to be regressing, or devolving, rather than improving or evolving.
That is actually pretty close to reality. A shoplifter is caught 1 out of every 49 attempts according to NASP (National Association for Shoplifting Prevention.)
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