defective gasoline hose sprays daughter

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Hello. My daughter was at a gas station pump in Asheville, NC put the nozzle in the tank to fill it and within seconds gas was spraying her body from the neck down. She stepped aside and saw it was coming from the hose where it curves downward before reaching the actual pump. She tried to stop the flow with the release on the pump itself but it kep spraying so she ran inside and they stopped it there.

The attendants mentioned that that pump had been having trouble and they were sorry. They gave her $3.00 (that is what the pump read before spraying I guess) and that was all they did. She was drenched and very upset and left to get cleaned up at a hotel she was staying at.

Is there any recourse we can take against the gas company for such endangerment? And I am very concerned about the amount of gasoline on her body for close to 45 min before she could get to the hotel.

Thank you very much for your input.
The time for her to have acted probably has passed.
She should have called or had the station call 911 when she got sprayed.
That way she could have been evaluated and treated at a hospital a record of the event made by police and EMS.
You can always sue anyone, that's not the question.
Can you prevail?
Not likely a day or two later.
Things she should have done: sought medical treatment, again documentation is started.
It'll be her word against theirs.
Small claims court is also known as liars court.
Whadya wanna bet they'll deny it happend, or say that she was careless?
There likely aren't any medical problems as a result. Damage to clothing may be the worst of it. It likely isn't worth pursuing legal action for replacing clothes.
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