defense relations w/ judges, DA filing clerks, prosecutors, etc.

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New Member
My question involves criminal law for the state of: CA

I'm shopping for lawyers and one attorney in particular gave me a selling point that sounded uniquely appealing; however, it also sounded a little dubious. I was hoping someone could help me to corroborate (or invalidate) his selling point…which was this:

I have a wobbler (ecstasy possession) charge, and he was indicating that he has a better chance of getting the DA deputy filing clerk to either 1) file the charge as a misdemeanor instead of a felony, or 2) drop the case (it's a long shot but I'm a valedictorian med student with a perfectly clean history).

He said he has a better chance of getting this accomplished because he plays golf and has dinner with the local judges, prosecutors, DA filing clerks, etc.

If this is true then I'm very persuaded to choose him over the other lawyers I've spoken to.

…but is it possible he could simply be giving me BS? It seems unlikely to me that a DA's filing clerk would be having dinner with a defense attorney.

Anyone feel otherwise? Thanks in advance!
Never hire a lawyer that promises you a SPECIFIC result.
Any illicit drug possession isn't a wobbler.
Ask most any resident of any state prison.
Valedictorian, huh?
A drug conviction, a felony or even a misdemeanor drug conviction could shut many doors for you.
I suggest you interview MORE criminal defense attorneys.
Never hire a lawyer that promises you a SPECIFIC result.
Any illicit drug possession isn't a wobbler.
Ask most any resident of any state prison.
Valedictorian, huh?
A drug conviction, a felony or even a misdemeanor drug conviction could shut many doors for you.
I suggest you interview MORE criminal defense attorneys.

Are you sure? I had multiple attorneys tell me that ecstasy possession can go either way.

Also, the attorney didn't promise a specific result. He simply said that matter what attorney takes my case, all of them will first call the DA office and make a request to have the charge filed as a misdemeanor instead of a felony based on the first time offense and clean record (apparently this is standard operating procedure) … and he simply claimed that he had a BETTER CHANCE of persuading the DA to file the charge as a misdemeanor because he and personal relationships with them.

My question is…does this sound likely?
Are you sure? I had multiple attorneys tell me that ecstasy possession can go either way.

Also, the attorney didn't promise a specific result. He simply said that matter what attorney takes my case, all of them will first call the DA office and make a request to have the charge filed as a misdemeanor instead of a felony based on the first time offense and clean record (apparently this is standard operating procedure) … and he simply claimed that he had a BETTER CHANCE of persuading the DA to file the charge as a misdemeanor because he and personal relationships with them.

My question is…does this sound likely?

In all likelihood, anyone with a PRISTEEN, even slightly soiled criminal record and a small amount if EC is going to get charged with a misdemeanor, lawyer or not.

Your state is broke, your prisons are full of lifetime druggies, and your chances to get probation (UNSUPERVISED, TOO) are very good! Assuming the charge isn't NOLLE PROSSED by the persecutor.

Many people say many things about ecstasy.
A noted R&B star (formerly of The Voice) with access to oodles of money, powerful law firms, Hollywood connections, etc... He Is fighting for his freedom with a "wobbly" felony ecstasy charge.

My answer is justice is more crooked than a casino.
It's a crapshoot at best, a pair of loaded dice at its worst.
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No one here can say if that lawyer would be the best choice for you & if he can/will do as he told you. It's your decision to decide on a lawyer after talking to several.
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