Defimation by coworker

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My wife works for the state of New York. Several weeks a go she was told that she was accused of Psychological abuse. She was accused of calling a client a bitch. She has been interrogated and we are waiting that decision. The problem with the case is that no one else that was there heard it, and the client said it did not happen .
The allegation came from a staff member with a history of false accusation.
I am confident that she will be cleared. What I am wondering is do we have any actions we can take to vindicate her reputation. She is a 20 year employee with nothing but outstanding evaluations.
I would wait until the decision is made. If the deicision is in your wife's favor, you may wish to use the ruling to file a complaint against the staff member. But why was the inquisition necessary if the staff member has a 'history' of false accusations? Sometimes an inquiry might be necessary as a client may be reluctant to tell the truth given their position but the facts seem peculiar here. Please explain.

Originally posted by jgr6b1
My wife works for the state of New York. Several weeks a go she was told that she was accused of Psychological abuse. She was accused of calling a client a bitch. She has been interrogated and we are waiting that decision. The problem with the case is that no one else that was there heard it, and the client said it did not happen .
The allegation came from a staff member with a history of false accusation.
I am confident that she will be cleared. What I am wondering is do we have any actions we can take to vindicate her reputation. She is a 20 year employee with nothing but outstanding evaluations.
good question!

My wife has in fact been cleared. Why this woman has been able to cause such havoc is a mystery to me as well. I to have experienced her claims, not as a target but as her supervisor. She had made claims about a coworker, which in the end were false.
Re: good question!

Originally posted by jgr6b1
My wife has in fact been cleared. Why this woman has been able to cause such havoc is a mystery to me as well. I to have experienced her claims, not as a target but as her supervisor. She had made claims about a coworker, which in the end were false.
That's great news! Has your wife put in a formal complaint against this woman? Is her workplace disciplining this woman for her bad conduct?
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