Definition of Religion

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Is there a universally accepted definition of religion in United States Law?

If not, then how is it that any person who claims to be religious have any religious rights at all?

Is someone religious legally because they say they are?
Must all courts in the United States follow the United States Supreme Court's interpretation of Religion? Please explain logically.

Is someone religious legally because they say they are?
Must all courts in the United States follow the United States Supreme Court's interpretation of Religion? Please explain logically.

Is someone religious legally because they say they are?
It is logically explained in the link I provided. You can pull out a dictionary to help with the words you are having trouble with.
Must all courts in the United States follow the United States Supreme Court's interpretation of Religion?

The lower courts must follow the decisions of the Supreme Court. That is how our legal system is set up. So when the Supreme Court adopts a definition of religion in a particular set of circumstances, the lower courts will need to apply that definition when they hear similar cases.
If you really want to go down a rabbit hole, google "pastafarians" and read through some of the differing opinions.
If not, then how is it that any person who claims to be religious have any religious rights at all?

Huh? Not really sure what sort of response you expect to an abstract question like that.

Is someone religious legally because they say they are?

Facts and circumstances matter.

Must all courts in the United States follow the United States Supreme Court's interpretation of Religion?

I'm not aware of the SCOTUS ever having "interpret[ed] . . . [r]eligion."

Is someone religious legally because they say they are?


Abstract questions will likely result in answers that aren't particularly useful.
It is logically explained in the link I provided. You can pull out a dictionary to help with the words you are having trouble with.
Where is the legally binding document that defines "Religion"? Do you have a copy of that document so that we can see? Can you prove that it is actually the document that you say it is and that it is legally binding?
Matthew, I'm closing this thread for the same reason as I closed the other one. "We" don't have to prove anything to you.

However, the answer to your questions is at Google Scholar where you can read all off the US Supreme Court decisions that involve the "definition" of religion.

religion definition - Google Scholar
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