delete my post

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New Member
Can anyone tell me how I can control my posts? I need to delete them. I posted a question and got a good response which solved my issue. Now how do I delete it?
I cant even find a way to delete my entire account. ( dont want to do that. but it may be my last resort ) :(
Generally we do not delete posts that have been on board for a bit without good cause. Whats yours? I will further add that your question(s) and answers could be useful to other users if left.
Typically people will request that we delete posts but are also amenable to changing their user name and information to make sure their posts cannot be identified with the poster. In this way, people's privacy can be maintained and the usefulness of posts is made available to and help others who may suffer from a similar problem.

We don't allow edits after a certain period of time either due to major spam issues, where posters will put up legitimate posts and then edit them and insert spam links.
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