I was wondering if it is legal for my wife to deny me the right to see my son? We are still married & have not takin any legal actions like seperation, divorce, or custody battle. I'm stationed in Virginia for the military & she's living with her aunt, uncle, & new boyfriend. With us still being completely legaly married & my name on the birth certificete I should have all legal rights to see my son. She is telling me I cant see him until the courts order it & that'll take to long. I will be deploying soon & would like to at least get him for the weekend or the time I'm on leave. What legal actions can I take aside from taking it to court to get her to let me see my son?
Your only way to see your son at anytime is to use the legal process.
Tomorrow, go to JAG.
Tell JAG your story.
They can get the ball rolling for you.
Tell JAG that you want to change your will and SGLI beneficiary, while you're there.
Also, you might want to change your notification and next of kin.
You also want to make sure that your son is properly cared for in your absence.
JAG can help you with that.
That is if, you haven't done that already!
You should also contact the Chaplain.
Tell the Chaplain your story.
He will assist you in getting to see your son.
Then, speak with your 1SG (or use your chain of command to see your 1SG) and tell him your story.
He will get you help.
This won't be easy from the picture you paint.
But, please, do this the right way.
Do this the legal way.
I am a retired JAG Colonel.
I retired after 30 years.
So, I know of what I speak.
These folks will help you, once you tell the story.
There is a lot of mess in that story.
So, what you want to convey is the fact that you are deploying soon!
You want to see your son, spend time with him, and just love him.
You are about to make a great sacrifice for our nation.
Those folks know that.
They will help you, if you do this right!:yes:
God bless you, and thanks again for your service and sacrifice.:yes: