Department stores and my rights

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Its Sunday morning and I head to my local department store to pick up some items for the house and to just look around to see if I need or would like to buy other items. I wait in the check out line forever and after placing my items on the belt being ever so carefull not to miss somthing in the cart. I wait for the total and hand my credit card to the clerk and sign over more of my hard earned cash. In exchage I have all of the items to take home with me. So far its been a nice shopping trip! As I walk to the exit with my shopping cart, someone jumps in front of me and blocks my exit from the store. This person then starts pawing over the items in my cart and then demands that I give them my receipt. When I ask what will happing if I say no, I am told that I can not leave with the items. I explain that I have paid for all of the items and that they are my properity and that I do not think they should have the right to handel my items or my receipt unless they want to charge me with a crime. I relent and give them what they demand and I always leave feeling like my rights have been violated again! In my way of thinking, when I hand over my money to complete the trade, the items now belong to me and I shound not have to prove that I have not commited a crime as they must prove that I have. I dont feel that I must help them prove me guilty.

Is my way of thinking on this matter incorrect? What is my right in a case like this. I understand that shopplifting is a big problem but I dont feel I should be treated like an out law because they wont make the effort to protect the store in away that wont violate me. There was a time when stores put paid tape or stickers on my items and I have no problem with that but what they are doing when they stop me at the door is very unpleasent for me and I as an American do not feel that they should have that right unless there is proble cause because of my actions in the store.
If you live in a large city then you'd get used to this way of life. This is purely a security issue taking place on their property to ensure that when you leave the property you are carrying only the items you purchased. Taking people's word for it these days is unfortunately not good enough. If someone simply asks to see your receipt before you leave, is that really a big deal? Nobody is preventing you from leaving unreasonably either. It's also their job so have some sympathy. The amount of theft that walks out the door is horrifying and unfortunately this is the only way many establishments have in making sure that they can stay in business... this is not a Constitutional issue here...

Originally posted by harjr
Its Sunday morning and I head to my local department store to pick up some items for the house and to just look around to see if I need or would like to buy other items. I wait in the check out line forever and after placing my items on the belt being ever so carefull not to miss somthing in the cart. I wait for the total and hand my credit card to the clerk and sign over more of my hard earned cash. In exchage I have all of the items to take home with me. So far its been a nice shopping trip! As I walk to the exit with my shopping cart, someone jumps in front of me and blocks my exit from the store. This person then starts pawing over the items in my cart and then demands that I give them my receipt. When I ask what will happing if I say no, I am told that I can not leave with the items. I explain that I have paid for all of the items and that they are my properity and that I do not think they should have the right to handel my items or my receipt unless they want to charge me with a crime. I relent and give them what they demand and I always leave feeling like my rights have been violated again! In my way of thinking, when I hand over my money to complete the trade, the items now belong to me and I shound not have to prove that I have not commited a crime as they must prove that I have. I dont feel that I must help them prove me guilty.

Is my way of thinking on this matter incorrect? What is my right in a case like this. I understand that shopplifting is a big problem but I dont feel I should be treated like an out law because they wont make the effort to protect the store in away that wont violate me. There was a time when stores put paid tape or stickers on my items and I have no problem with that but what they are doing when they stop me at the door is very unpleasent for me and I as an American do not feel that they should have that right unless there is proble cause because of my actions in the store.
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