Desperate...please help!

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I'm not sure what category this should go under, but I'm pretty sure it's *something* illegal!

My husband was hired on as a mechanic 2 years ago at a local dealership. The agreed wage he was to start out was $14/hr. However, just before he started the manager who hired him quit and a new manager took over. He was then paid $12/hr...$2/hr less than the agreed amount with the last boss. He doesn't remember if he signed a contract or anything, but he went 1 year without even mentioning this. When he mentioned it 1 year ago, his current boss (the one who took over for the other guy) said that wasn't his agreement and too bad. Ok, so we're sort of over this, but may want to bring it up for 'ammo' or something.
Now, his 2 year anniversary passed as of July 1 of this year. We are not sure if it's stated in his contract, but somewhere we were told ( i believe it's in the Employee handbook OR his contract) that every year he will get an evaluation on the anniversary of his hiring date. It is now almost two months after his anniversary and he still has not had his evaluation. However, several employees that were hired after him were a) granted raises w/out even having an evaluation (against company policy) and b) given the raises and 'evaluation' well before my, he has yet to even recieve his. We are not sure why his boss is delaying his evaluation. His boss even told another employee whose anniversary is coming up in September that his evaluation will be done within the week. So, what is going on?!

We are not sure, but there could be some 'employer retaliation' going on here. His boss asked him a few months ago to complete GM training for another employee. My husband refused and the work situation started getting really bad. We're not sure if this is related, but we are SURE that this cannot be legal...

What can we do about this? My husband has been screwed out of a starting salary, had an unneccessary delay on an evaluation AND has been treated very badly these past few months. We believe some kind of unfair wage thing is going on as well because an employee who isn't nearly as qualified as my husband gets paid the same amount. My husband is an auto/diesel tech (the ONLY certified diesel tech in the shop) and also one of two transmission techs in the shop and he gets paid as much as someone who does oil changes?

Really, is there anything we can do here or is it just an unfortunate case of bad luck?


PS: his boss has also refused to give my husband the neccessary tools to complete required GM training. Who should we talk to about that? It's important that my husband have his training and everyone else is getting it except for him...
There is nothing really he can do but to talk to his superiors and ask for a raise. Otherwise he can go find another job. I see no discrimination here. His supervisors may be jerks but it is not illegal.
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