Did I violate anything that may cause my termination?

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New Member
Hello! I'm new to this forum. I have a legal question for the gurus. Here is my situation.

Our company had a party today and after the party I heard one of my co-worker said something not nice behind my back which I heard "he said: He just left everybody without saying anything, you know how he is". Then when I saw him I confronted him asking him why he said something like that. Then when we got to the office, the CEO of the company is there with the our department manager. This guy that I confronted asked me something and I could not contain my anger and I immediately replied "Man I'm not talking to you, you said something not nice on my back" and all of this happened in front of the CEO and the department manager.

After awhile, the CEO talked privately to this person but it was quick. I would say they talked privately for about 30-45 seconds then they went back to our room.

Question.... Have I committed any violation here that may cost me my job?

Edit: Also to add, my departments contract for this company is due after Christmas day, so our work for this company is only until next week then we'll be gone.

Thanks alot in advance.
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If you are concerned about your job it wouldn't hurt to go to your supervisors and explain your actions... to them it may just look like an unprovoked angry outburst. There is no real "violation" in what you did.... but it can certainly raise eyebrows and lead to your dismissal.
I would let this blow over, you wont know if it cost your job unless the ax falls.
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