Dilusional elderly father in romance scam need advice!

Darren Pliler

New Member
My elderly father has been involved in a online romantic scam for several months and I nor anyone else has been able to convince him it's a scam, even after showing him evidence pulled via the internet that the woman he's in contact with is a known romantic scammer, who preys on elderly men.
I've heard their phone conversations and it's obvious that she is only interested in his $, but is skilled at conning elderly lonely men. Claims she loves him, wants to make him happy, etc. He's now made plans to drive from TN to Colorado so that he can bring her back to his house (where I live and act as be his quasi caretaker).
I've been told by the city police department that there is nothing they can do. I've contacted the elderly financial abuse hotline (sponsored by U.S. gov) and told pretty much the same.
Are there any other legal options left to me to intervene on his behalf? I'm at the point where I've all but given up hope.
The best thing anyone can do for an amorous female or male "rutting" (or in heat) is stay out of their way as they eagerly, aggressively seek to satiate their instinct to indulge in mating.
If he is not mentally competent you can go to court and get appointed conservator or guardian and have control over his behavior.

I agree but want to add that a lack of mental competency is not necessary to obtain a conservatorship/guardianship (a conservatorship is a term used in some states for a guardianship over the person and/or estate of an adult).
I agree but want to add that a lack of mental competency is not necessary to obtain a conservatorship/guardianship (a conservatorship is a term used in some states for a guardianship over the person and/or estate of an adult).
I was able to network with an FBI agent in nashville who called my father and discussed the situation with him in depth. Told him that he had been victem of a scam group operating out of Nigeria. That there was no real female who was romantically interested in him, etc. Gave his # and urged him bit to send any $ in the future.

Today my father disclosed that the fbi agent was only partially correct, that his 'Monica' is in fact real, was once involved with the scam group, buy no longer is and she's real and they're in love.

I don't know what to do to intervene at this point. How/what are my options? I have durable power of attorney. He's still planning to leave and drive to Colorado, or some other destination, to bring the 'monica' back to his home to live with him. Which is crazy, as he's not safe to drive himself short distances.
How/what are my options?

At least one possible option was suggested earlier in the thread.

I have durable power of attorney.

For what purpose?

He's still planning to leave and drive to Colorado, or some other destination, to bring the 'monica' back to his home to live with him. Which is crazy, as he's not safe to drive himself short distances.

Then I'd suggest getting off the internet and calling/arranging a consultation with a local attorney who handles elder law matters.
At least one possible option was suggested earlier in the thread.

For what purpose?

Then I'd suggest getting off the internet and calling/arranging a consultation with a local attorney who handles elder law matters.

the purpose for being on this discussion board was too aid me in making an informed and intelligent decision as to how to proceed next, thank you. If I had the resources to hire and consult with an attorney I wouldn't be here, thank you.
Nuff said~
the purpose for being on this discussion board was too aid me in making an informed and intelligent decision as to how to proceed next, thank you. If I had the resources to hire and consult with an attorney I wouldn't be here, thank you.
Nuff said~
Please don't be snitty to zddoodah, one of the attorneys that kindly volunteers here.

Your fathers situation is too complex to advise for a general advice site to assist you with and that is why you are being advised to consult with an attorney.

You may be able to get a reduced fee consult from an Elder Law Attorney in your area by calling the TN Bar Association and requesting several referrals. Welcome

When I called my states bar for a referral the attorney consult fee was 45.00 for a 30 min consult. It can't hurt to call and see if the TN Bar Association has something similar.
Fee-fi-fo-fum where is the scammerman,
Conquer him that can, came for his chuckle bright,
To prooue himselfe a clever knight,
And spin he lie alright.

I sense the urban myth told by dee Englishman.
Be he alive or be he dead
He'll grind yore bones to make his joke instead.

Y'all been spanked and pranked.

Right, he's 80, has no prostate. she's 36, an X porn star from Brazil.

How do you KNOW she is a she?
How do you KNOW she even exists?
How do you KNOW she's 36 years of age?
How do you KNOW she's porn star?

That bit about an FBI agent gave it away, dude.

The "proxy" addy provided another clue.

I've been told by the city police department that there is nothing they can do. I've contacted the elderly financial abuse hotline (sponsored by U.S. gov) and told pretty much the same.
Are there any other legal options left to me to intervene on his behalf?

I was able to network with an FBI agent in nashville who called my father and discussed the situation with him in depth. Told him that he had been victem of a scam group operating out of Nigeria. That there was no real female who was romantically interested in him, etc. Gave his # and urged him bit to send any $ in the future.

Today my father disclosed that the fbi agent was only partially correct, that his 'Monica' is in fact real, was once involved with the scam group, buy no longer is and she's real and they're in love.
the purpose for being on this discussion board was too aid me in making an informed and intelligent decision as to how to proceed next, thank you. If I had the resources to hire and consult with an attorney I wouldn't be here, thank you.
Nuff said~

You misunderstood what I was asking. Please look at my post #8 in this thread. You wrote that you "have durable power of attorney," and I quoted that statement and asked, "For what purpose?" In other words, what is the purpose or scope of the POA?

One thing you need to understand: While it's obvious that you care about your father and are trying to look out for his best interests, the law does not allow one person to intervene in another person's personal affairs over the other person's objection unless the other person is demonstrably mentally incompetent. If you can't convince law enforcement to do more than has already been done and lack the means to retain an attorney, then your only recourse will be to try and figure all this out on your own.
Please don't be snitty to zddoodah, one of the attorneys that kindly volunteers here.

Your fathers situation is too complex to advise for a general advice site to assist you with and that is why you are being advised to consult with an attorney.

You may be able to get a reduced fee consult from an Elder Law Attorney in your area by calling the TN Bar Association and requesting several referrals. Welcome

When I called my states bar for a referral the attorney consult fee was 45.00 for a 30 min consult. It can't hurt to call and see if the TN Bar Association has something similar.

My apologies to ZDD, you'll understand that it's not easy to do this on one's own and without funds for a lawyer.
I'll contact the TN Bar and inquire of consultation fees. Thank you for your advice.

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