"Some conditions simply don't qualify, unless you know the "magic words" which bumps the approval rate to about 90%+."
Can you expand on this a little more army judge? My brother just got his initial denial. Also do you know if a person only gets one shot at an appeal?
The "magic words" are far too complicated to reveal on an open forum.
They are words and phrases I have developed over the last 20 years, or so, as I began helping people get SS disability and VA disability.
Essentially you must stress what you can't do and why doing anything approaching work of any kind is impossible.
You must also have a medical evaluation by a DO or MD only.
The phrasing would go something like this:
I have trouble reading, and can only focus through my intense pain to read a couple paragraphs of a newspaper article.
My pain levels are so intense, that when i try to read technical details, I can only get through a couple sentences, because understanding such content requires one to focus more intently.
I can only stand for 3 to 5 minutes, before I become unsteady and must sit.
While sitting at a desk, I can only write a couple of words on a letter, or type a sentence or two before the pain begins to increase. As the pain invreases, I can't focus long enough to complete a thought.
I often drop cups or glasses, because of the intense pain.
I struggle to complete my morning personal hygiene. I often fall in the shower, or regularly slip. I drop the soap, my towel, and take 15-20 minutes to dry my body after showering. Why? The pain is so intense, I struggle to dry myself.
My hands often shake as I dress myself. I drop my socks, and must sit to put on my underwear, as well as rest while attempting to do so.
I struggle to get my undershirt or t-shirt over my head. The pain is intense, and numbs my mind.
These must be truths, not doctored fantasies.
You must tell the reviewer or the ALJ that there is no way you can ever work again.
Disability must so hamper you that it destroys your ability o ever hold down meaningful work for the rest of your life.
That is important because the system wants to rehabilitate or retrain you for other work.
This is especially true if you were a carpenter,a nd can no longer sustain the physical effort to undertake such work.
The appeal can be attempted more than once.
Normally, the ALJ is where most people obtain the judgment they are seeking.
Most initial clams are rejected, with a few diseases being accepted: breast cancer level 4 comes to mind, as do many level 4 cancers.
The best thing to do is seek a local lawyer who has successfully represented others.
You find that by seeking testimonials of former clients.