disabled child over 21

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I divorced in 1998 in Ga. I never thought my childs father would not support her equally with me. About 3 years ago he began sending her $200.00 per month. My daughter has had Cerebral Palsy since birth. She lives in a home which I provide (a former rental home) and receives 24 hr care through the GA Independent Care Waiver Program. My only support is for care I provide for her. A few months ago he cancelled her health Insurance when he retired. She now has Medicaid. Her only income is SSI. Her father has reduced his monthly contribution to $50.00 a month. I have to provide her with a car, car insurance, home, pay her bills and give her spending money for gas. She is 39 years old. Can I take him to court and ask for a judgment to help pay her expenses each month.
You can take him to court, but don't count on winning. The child, even if disabled, is not entitled to child support past 18. That is what SSI is for.

On another note, it was your choice to buy her a car. Unfortunately you are stuck with the payments since she is well over 18. If you want to buy everything for her and give her spending money, dad is not obligated to do that.
requirements for ICWP

She is required by the state ICWP to provide her own transportation and gas. She also has to maintain her own home. How many people do you know who can do that on $600 a month plus pay utilities, phone(a requirement) Insurance for auto, food, personal supplies. I do now pay those things because I want to. It is because I have no other choice.
The child support law though does not require parents to support adult children, disabled or not, unfortunately.

Have you contacted any cerebral palsy charities or programs, to see if they can help?

I am not knowledgable that much of CP all I know is that it is brain damage. How does she drive with CP? Also I doubt ICWP requires her to have a car, most people on SSI cannot afford both housing and a car. You might have to think about other transportation options.
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