discrimination and harrasment investigacion

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New Member
my company is running a internal investigacion for harrasment and descrimination and the company hired for that does not want to give us a copy of the staement or conversation is that legal ,or i have the right to have copy , or is there a law to protect that matter
Neither the company that is doing the investigation (nor your employer) has any legal obligation to give you any documentation of the investigation.
so if i cant have a copy , can i refuse to participate

Peppermint didn't say you couldn't have a copy.
She said they were under no obligation to provide you with a copy.

Yes, you can refuse to participate.

That, however, could cause other consequences that might be unpleasant.

You can always ask to have your lawyer present before you speak to anyone.

Again, that could be denied, and could bring its own unsavory consequences.

Tread cautiously, if you wish to remain an employee of this organization.
Yes, you can refuse to participate.

Now, ask if you can be fired for refusing.

(HINT - the answer to that question is Yes as well.)

BTY, they not only are not obligated to give you a copy of the statements, they SHOULDN'T give you a copy.
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