Discrimination at Dollar General Store

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Dear Law.com..Please, could someone advise me of the best course of action regarding a Dollar General employee who verbally abused me, threatened me, would not serve me or ring out my purchases and advised me that if I didn't leave the store immediately she was going to call the police and have me arrested for assault. Go Figure. This was done yesterday with no provocation from me. I had called Dollar General back in Oct. to lodge a complaint about this employee and the customer service person told me that he would direct the complaint to the District Manager. I said Thank you and I would like a call back from the District Manager. Well, I never got a call back, so I said to myself, "Just let it go, she was probably having a bad day and everyone has a bad day every now and again, so I let it go.. Well, I continued shopping there for the next 2 months with this employee serving me/although we didn't speak to each other, she would ring me out and I would be on my way..I was in the store at least 15 times in between the first incident and what happened 2 days ago with no problems from this women, then 2 days ago I walk in and I was barely in the door when she ran up to me and advised me that if I didn't leave the store immediately she was going to call the police and charge me with assault. She did not let me purchase my goods and when it was my turn next in the line, she advised me and all the people that were in line, that she would not ring me out, that I could not buy andything in the store and that she called the police on me.. Please advise on the best course of action for me to take at this point. I don't want to call and speak with the District Manager-if that even happens-with out knowing my legal rights regarding what happened. Isn't that discrimination, or slander, or Defimation of Character or something. How can she not let me buy something. All this was done with absolutely no provocation from me. Please Help..Thank you for taking the time to read my note. I feel like that lady who was denied boarding on a airline because they thought her skirt was too short, which is wasn't. She was on Dr. Phil regarding this and the Airline was made to apologize.. But that is not what I am looking for, she needs to be fired. Wait till I tell you what happened in Oct..You will not believe what this women said to me.Thank you

Hello. I am NOT part of this site other than a member who has posted a situation of my own once so I am not an expert...But I think that whether right or wrong in the reason they might have the right to refuse service. As for calling the police, etc, that's ridiculous. But I THINK technically they can ask you to leave without letting you buy anything.

If I'm wrong, I apologize as I said I'm no expert but I figured I'd put my two cents in.
I worked in a store as a manager. Even we we did find someone shop lifting, we were not allowed to embarrass the customer, we would be sued if we did that. If you have any witnesses, I suggest you contact them. We did however have the right to deny anyone service... But, again, we could not embarrass them in front of other people unless they got physical with us..
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