Discrimination based on language

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I have for a few years attended meetings at a customers in a different European country. The customers mainly speak my languauge (English) reasonably well and I don't speak their languauge at all. A couple of years ago a new Sales Manager started work with us and he is the same nationallity as the customers - although he also speaks English fluently. The use of the European language in these meetings has gradually increased but, until recently, the topics I was involved in have been done in English and the Sales Manager has provided translation for me quite often during the meeting for the other sections. About a year ago a new person joined the company and he is in a similar postion and does a similar job to me but he also is the same nationallity as the customers - although again, fluent in English.
For the last 6 months he has joined these meetings and now very little English is spoken in the meetings and very little translation is provided for me. At the last meeting, even where I was giving presentations, all the discussions were in the European languauge with the new guy giving all the technical input and me not being able to contribute at all. After the 4 hour meeting there was a 5 minute briefing in English. I felt humilitated and excluded. Question is, is this discrimination?
No-it does not appear to be.
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Why not? It seriuosly hampers my ability to do my job because servicing this customer is supposed to be ~ 70% of my job - and it makes me feel very distressed.
Language is not a protected characteristic under the law; therefore this is not illegal discrimination. There is nothing stopping you from learning the language in question.
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