discrimination, FERPA violation, and wrongful termination

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I am a state employee and was wrongfully terminated for attending school during work hours, which was prior approved. (I live in MS, which is hire & fire at will, however, I have protection by the personnel board.) I spent 8 months and $3500 in attorney fees fighting the decision and have just now gotten my job re-instated. During the court battle, it was revealed that my boss call the university and requested my class schedule, which the university police department provided, in violation of my rights as outlined in FERPA, which was needless, because it did not strenthen nor uphold their argument. The judge's opinion stated that there was no justification and the "wrongful act" on my part had been completely miscategorized to justify my termination. It was ordered that I should be re-instated to the position I held on the last day I was employed with my agency, which was as a house arrest officer. When I was re-instated, I did not receive that position. I received a probation officer position, without a state vehicle, despite the fact that there was an open house arrest officer position available. He is in the process of giving that position to a male, which would make for an all male staff. (I am a female officer.) During my 8 month battle, in which I exhausted any money I had as a single mother, other employees were committing acts that were illegal, profoundly against policy, and/or unethical. These employees received little, if any, reprimands at all! These same employees are all male or black females. I have been completely humiliated, belittled, and almost forced to complete financial ruin. I was forced to draw out my retirement just to pay my bills and support my 2 year old daughter, and now that is all depleted because of the length of this process that should've never occurred in the first place. Please help and tell me if there is anything I can do? Thank you so much!!
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