Discrimination or Harassment? Not sure.

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Hello, and thanks in advance for any information you might give.

I've worked at a Ford Motor Company union plant for 14 years. My husband works for Chevy, and due to his better prices we drive chevys.

I was injured at work several years back. I have a hard time with stairs. I have a limited walking restriction along with several others. I now have restricted parking inside the plant gates.

My issue is a few years ago when a new plant manager arrived she decided that everyone who drives a non-ford vehicle would have to park in the back most southwest corner of the parking lot. So in order to keep my restricted parking I had to have my doctor fill out papers for a state parking placard.

Well every couple of months they give me a hard time about parking close to an entrance that's closest to where I normally work. I know this is due to other people complaining about it being a chevy, because there are other people parking in the same area who don't even have restricted parking and they never say anything to them. Then they either tell me that I have to go park in the northwest parking lot or sometimes it's the east caged lot for contractors or in the handicapped parking on the north side.

Is this harassment? By state law do they have to have HC painted spaces by all entrances? Can I ask that a handicapped parking space be painted by the other entrance? Will pursuing this be a wast of my time or do I have recourse?

Thanks Again
Well now I'm being harrassed on a regulay basis by the labor relations rep. She is creating a hostil work enviornment and has threatened that if i don't get a handicapped placard from the state she will take my parking privillages away within the week. Should I consult an attorney?
Yes, I've already sent the paperwork out. However, we only have handicapped parking by one entrance in the plant which happens to be all the way on the other side from where I work.
What do the municipal ordinances say regarding how many handicapped parking spaces must be provided and where? Check with your city.
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