Discrimination over Health Problems

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My husband is now being discriminated against due to health problems. He took some time from work and returned after his doctor cleared him. There was no restrictions, no problems at all yet the company keeps saying he needs to have more tests done. They won't let him return to his job. What do we do? I really am sick of the way you are treated when you are poor. Companies are evil and do pretty much as they please.

All this boils down to his HMO insurance policy. They want to try and get rid of him before he costs them more money.
1. What is his diagnosis?
2. What type of work does he do?
3. How long has he worked there?
4. How many employees does the company have at his job location and within a 75-mile radius?
5. How much time did he miss for this medical condition within the last 12 months?
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