Discrimination ? Privacy ? Misclassification

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I reieved a bill at work C/O my employer, that says its pass due and they are sending it to collections. My employer opened it, called the company and spoke to 3 different people at 3 different levels of management in reference to what this bill was for. She recieved detailed information about me and the bill from the three people at the company I owe money to.
The next morning my office manager came to my office and wanted me to go to her office for a phone conference with the owner. I did, at that time I was told by the owner she had contacted the company and gotten all tjis info, and that I was not to come back to work until this bill was paid and I provided her with documentation that it was resolved. The office manager asked me for my key and I was told my security code was changed. I asked about my pay ( this all happened on the 11th and I am paid on the 1st and 15th) they told me they would have to think about it...I called the office manager on the 15th and she said she would have to talk to the owner, I callled again on the 17th and was told that the owner had decided she was reverting back to the old way of paying (2004) and I would be paid on the 30th...
HELP !! PLEASE any educated insight with this would be greatly appreciated !! I am a 1099 employee but after review of the "20" IRS things, I do not believe I really am a 1099, it is very debateable. Also I have heard statue of limitations is very short here in Florida, anybody know how short ? Thank You very much in advance.
Since the bill was sent care of your employer, it was legal for them to open it. (Hint; don't have your bills sent to you at work if you're concerned about privacy.)
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