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I requested time off 9/7/07 for a trip i was planning to take 5/16/08. I was denied the time off the same day I requested it and was told I would have to quit my job or go to sub status if I took the time off.
I was recently told about an employee who was granted time off to go on a religious mission. I believe the boss and employee attend the same church/

Perfectly legal.

You do not have a guaranteed right to take time off for personal reasons. It was 100% legal for the employer to deny the time off. Barring a bona fide contract or CBA that specifically says otherwise, your employer gets to decide when it is and is not convenient for you to take time off.

This does NOT mean that the employer must now also deny all other requests. Religion is a protected characteristic. An employer could be sued for denying time off for religious reasons, whether the employee attends the same church as the employer or not.

Sorry, but your employer broke no laws and you have no legal recourse.
No discrimination

No discrimination I suppose. Your suggestion that there may be discrimination in your situation is highly improbable especially that the ER actuations are perfectly legal. Hard though to speculate. As cbg related, "your employer broke no laws and you have no legal recourse".
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