discrimination ?

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I was in a life or death situation at the e.r and was about to be admitted till the dr. asked "what kinda insurance do you have ? I replyed Medicaid,the dr. said oh I will give you a pill and youll have to find a doctor. and sent me home. discrimination in a life and death situation ?
Short answer: Not discrimination in the illegal sense. If you were truly 'life or death', they have to stabilize your condition and then they can transfer you to a facility that accepts Medicaid. Many facilities/physicians do not accept Medicaid patients because the payments do not cover the cost of treatment, nor are Medicaid claims paid in a timely manner.
I was in a life or death situation at the e.r and was about to be admitted till the dr. asked "what kinda insurance do you have ? I replyed Medicaid,the dr. said oh I will give you a pill and youll have to find a doctor. and sent me home. discrimination in a life and death situation ?

Maybe, maybe not, don't know.

Write Obama, tell him, see what he does.
If it was truly a life or death situation, they needed to treat you (get you stable) before transferring you elsewhere or releasing you.
Life or death is not only relative to your condition, it is relative to the terms of hospital admittance. You can have BC/BS and they will admit you knowing it will be covered for your situation yet someone having Aetna would be sent home with an aspirin and an atta boy.

I remember one night I was jumped while driving cab. One of the 4 guys busted a beer bottle over my head. After getting off work, I went to the hospital and they took xrays, cleaned up some of the blood dried to my skull and said Well, you might have a depressed skull fracture. Go home and take plenty of aspirin and tylenol. I had a concussion for 3 days.
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