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Why is it that the word 'Discrimination' only covers Race, Color, Creed, Religion, Harassment - Sexual and otherwise? However, mistakes of a criminal nature in this case Misdemeaner will always be used against you? I can still vote! I am a US citizen...however, no holds barred...my rights have been forfeited to be treated with respect.
Why is it that the word 'Discrimination' only covers Race, Color, Creed, Religion, Harassment - Sexual and otherwise? However, mistakes of a criminal nature in this case Misdemeaner will always be used against you? I can still vote! I am a US citizen...however, no holds barred...my rights have been forfeited to be treated with respect.

I don't disagree with you. People who have committed misdemeanors may have done something stupid at one time, especially when younger, and have learned. It's a mistake that unfortunately can live with you for a while. Did you think of trying expungement, the process where you can remove this conviction from your record as if it was never there?

The reasons why race, color and creed are protected specially is because thes "suspect classes" have been distinguished as being potential victims of inherent discrimination. They have done nothing wrong to deserve the indignant treatment -- they have not committed a crime against society. That said, I don't disagree with you frequently too much is made about misdemeanors. Perhaps you can suggest here what we can do to lobby our government to provide people who make a rare, relatively small mistake with the ability to go on with their lives and not pay for it forever. What happened to you? I think I remember something about you being fired from your job from another thread.
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