Dishonest Medical Clinic

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I was employed by a very large medical group for 3.5 years. This medical group has a number of hospitals and clinics in the southeastern part of Wisconsin. In those 3.5 years I recieved performance reviews that reflected my outstanding performance. I was given larger than the average merit increases, and I recieved 3 service awards (in addition to other awards). I was never put in disipline, I never had a complaint against me. I was very well liked and appreciated by the medical staff I worked with as well as 99% of the employees at the 2 sites I worked at. The business manager however did NOT like me. She didn't like me because I got her in trouble about 1 1/2 years ago for changing employee punches to eliminate overtime as well as some other issues. After I reported these issues she totally avoided me in the clinic...she went to EVERY department to say "hello, how are things going", but purposely avoided mine. To make a long story short she made comments at meetings to other members of management that she wanted to get rid of me. I asked too many questions, I was too much of an "employee advocate", etc. I ended up quitting because I felt she was going to fire me in a situation that would normally be a disipline issue. I filed a labor standards complaint and I filed un-employment. At first I was found ineligible for benefits. I appealed that decision and had a hearing where this woman actually did admit that she stated she wanted me gone. I was then found eligible for benefits. My question is this: As a member of high management/administration, is it appropriate for her to badmouth me to my former co-workers? Is she allowed to discuss the cases I have filed against her with those co-workers? I think it's a violation of my privacy as well as totally inappropriate for someone in her position. This is a huge company and I don't want to start something that I would have no chance of winning...any advice would be appreciated.
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