Disorderly Conduct at Work.

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New Member
Hello, I am looking for advice, and I didn't know where which forum to put this in, and this seeemed to fit. If It is in the wrong place, I appologize for the inconvienence.

I am 18 years old, turning 19 this month and am a resident of Minnesota. I started this job when I was 17 at a local bar. I started out cooking until I turned 18 and our bartenders started quiting, and I was asked to fill both positions. The same owner had owned two establishments and I had usually gone back and forth between the two, doing both jobs (Cooking and Bartending) at both establishments. I continued to work both places filling in for everyone on top of doing my regular work. I was working on average over 45-50 hours a week, to the extent of 60 hours some weeks. This continued for a year. One day, the owner had arrived in a bad mood. I was working with another bartender, and we had a question to ask him. When he walked in he went to the back of the kitchen to get something. I had walked through the hallway into the kitchen with the other bartender, and as soon as I walk into the room the owner grabs me by the throat, and starts screaming about me leaving open the top to the line cooler he pulls back to punch me and I pull out of his grasp, and walk away in awe of the situation, as I walk away the other bartender tells the owner that she had actually left the door open. He tells us to get out of there before he gets any madder, and I clock out and leave. I drive straight from there to the local police station which is closed, so I go to the adjacent store and call the dispatcher which sends a unit to take my statement. The officer says the only charges that can be pressed are disorderly conduct. He takes my statement and then says that I will be contacted if the court date comes and what is going to happen. I was never contacted, and nothing ever happened with that. I have been out of work ever since, and where I live, everything mostly shuts down for the winter, because tourest season is over (Which is when we have the most business, and everyone quickly fills into winter jobs). This seems wrong that he can do this and then nothing even happen to him. What can I do?

You can get on with your life and stop dwelling on this. You don't know that nothing happened to him; you only know that you were not called to say there was a court date. For all you know, he admitted what happened and was given probation or something and they didn't need to go to court.

In any case, there is nothing you can do. You reported it; it's now out of your hands what happens.
You have a good civil case for assault and battery.
1. apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact
2. intent to committ harmful or offensive contact

1. intent to committ harmful or offensive contact
2. actual harmful or offensive contact
3. no privlege or consent

You also may have a case for intentional infliction of emotional distress (although very hard to prove):
1. extreme, outrageous conduct
2. extreme, intentional disregard
3. severe mental distress

Contact a lawyer right away.
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