Other Criminal Charges & Offenses Disorderly conduct


New Member
South Dakota
Hello , i was arrested for disorderly conduct i was drinking came home and my boyfriend smell the alcohol on me and we start to argue over the matter he then he leave the house so i leave behind him then i got lock house the house so i try to catch up with him to open the door he didn't listen to me then call the cops on me they came took us back home try to get me to leave i was mad so i told the cop to fuck off so they arrest me for disorderly conduct now i have a court date what can i do in this matter ?
use some punctuation.
don't use profanity (especially at cops)
get an attorney.
stop drinking enough that leads to fights or move out.

just for starters.
what can i do in this matter ?

Appear in court as directed
Plead not guilty
Ask if the court will appoint a public defender, if you qualify
Otherwise you'll have to hire your own lawyer, or defend yourself
Eventually you go to trial, or accept a plea bargain
No one knows if you'll get an acquittal, or receive a guilty verdict

As suggested, you might wish to seek help for any problems that could have helped you end up in this mess
Depending on how the officers write the report the whole thing could disappear before anything happens.
It sounds like this occurred while at your home, not while in public, so that is heavily in your favor. The officers will have to explain how your conduct was "disorderly", not "rude" or "profane". Lots of petty things like this never get beyond the scrutiny of the DA.

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