Disrimination and Harassment

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My immediate boss who is Indian and the President of the company, has continued to threaten me with the threat of firing me every time he talks to me. Yet he has Indian Engineers who are never threatened yet never fix any problems. Also when asked to help out in some matters that his boss asked me to do he found out about it and went to the HR Manager and yelled that he was going to fire me, which by the way was over heard by 2 other individuals. These two folks told a bunch of people and it spread throughout the plant. When I came in that afternoon I was told by many people about what happened, it was very embarrassing.
Since he has hired me he has not let me do anything that I was hired for, he continues to harass me on a weekly basis yet when I bring up issues that his Indian Engineers need to work on he gets irate, and will usually say he doesn't need me. I was hired to be an Operation Manager and yet all he wants me to do is work on the manufacturing floor like an operator.
I feel he has discriminated against me plus he has let the whole plant know how he feels about me. He has also told some operators and Supervisors that he is going to fire me. He has no actual reasons to fire me but just the constant threats and being publicly appraised and publicly threaten. have made it a very hard place to work.
Do I have a case of Harassment and Discrimination in a court of Law
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