District Attorney

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I am trying to gather information on the life of a District Attorney. I know approximately what their salary is, which is usually aorund the $80,000-$100,000 range, correct?

I also would like to know their approximate hours. Although I am very interested in this career option, I do not want to give up a family for this, so working over 50 hours a week unless on occasion is not something I am interested in.

it really depends on where you do the job and in what position.

In Manhattan for example you not only work a lot of hours, but there is even night court, which means you also do the graveyard shift (which I loved). In a small town somewhere in the great big nowhere an ADA probably goes home latest at 5pm.

The same goes for the salary, in Timbouktou, N.D. you probably get a lot less than in New York City, though in NYC you don't get as much as most people think. Starting salary here is $ 48,000.

Go here and have a look around on this webpage, it gives some good information about what an ADA does, the pay etc.: http://www.manhattanda.org/career_opportunities/legal_employment/index.htm
That's a great post, thanks NYClex. It really does depend upon the state you are in. Do know that the chances are that you will be far underpaid to be a prosecutor and that the hours might be long -- very long. Expect to do a lot of after hours work wherever you may be. Typical ADAs have many cases they need to prepare for, don't have big firm support staff and do the job because they love it. This is what I have seen here in NYC.

Originally posted by NYClex
it really depends on where you do the job and in what position.

In Manhattan for example you not only work a lot of hours, but there is even night court, which means you also do the graveyard shift (which I loved). In a small town somewhere in the great big nowhere an ADA probably goes home latest at 5pm.

The same goes for the salary, in Timbouktou, N.D. you probably get a lot less than in New York City, though in NYC you don't get as much as most people think. Starting salary here is $ 48,000.

Go here and have a look around on this webpage, it gives some good information about what an ADA does, the pay etc.: http://www.manhattanda.org/career_opportunities/legal_employment/index.htm
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