Divorce my husband he jail for moulested three children


New Member
Back in April my husband was charged for touching three children while riding them on a four wheeler but I also got in trouble because they where in my care my lawyer for that case says I need to get my divorce started and I also have two young children that has his last name and everything but he not there father I just don't know what to do or how to get it started
Back in April my husband was charged for touching three children while riding them on a four wheeler but I also got in trouble because they where in my care my lawyer for that case says I need to get my divorce started and I also have two young children that has his last name and everything but he not there father I just don't know what to do or how to get it started

Ask the lawyer that advised you to obtain a divorce to suggest two or three divorce attorneys to you, and then you make appointments with the lawyers and hire one that you believe will be able to work with you.

If you don't get the divorce, the pervert's criminal issues will smear you, too!!!
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I also got in trouble because they where in my care

"Got in trouble" how? Were you charged with a crime?

I also have two young children that has his last name and everything

What does "and everything" mean?

but he not there father

Were these "young children" born during your marriage to your husband?

I just don't know what to do or how to get it started

The way to commence a divorce is by filing a complaint or petition for divorce with the appropriate court. You can either hire a divorce attorney or you can learn the process yourself. An internet message board is not a place where you can obtain any sort of comprehensive "how to" guide. I suggest you start by googling "florida divorce process" or "florida divorce without attorney" or things of that sort.

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