I left my husband and I had nowhere else to except to my mothers house. She lives in Arizona; my husband our two sons and I lived in Oroville,ca. He is threatening me with kidnapping but it was an abusive relationship. I left with the clothes on our backs because I was too afraid to go and get our belongings. He is also threatens to take my boys away from me. I have no problem with him seeing them, I have offered to pay for a hotel room that he can stay in while he is in Arizona and help with the gas money to get here. What do I have to do to keep my boys? I don't care if he has visiting rights. Please contact me at (deleted). Thank you for your time.
I deleted your personal information for your safety/protection. Betty3
You and your husband are equal before the eyes of the law, insofar as your children are concerned.
You can't be charged with kidnapping your own children.
He can't force you to stay in California.
He can file for divorce in California and that's where it can become uncomfortable for you.
If he ever violates you, abuses you, or even pushes you again, IMMEDIATELY call "911".
If you're worried about YOUR safety, don't see him again, unless you're in your lawyer's office, the police station, or court.
Don't waste any more time, MONDAY morning hire yourself an Arizona lawyer.
Begin the divorce process, otherwise, he'll beat you to the punch and file in California.
Stop communicating with this violent, wife beater.
Don't encourage the beast by paying anything for him.
Use that money to care for your kids, not to pay travel expenses for your violent abuser to get to you and pound the bejesus out of you for the 100,000th time, or even the second time.
No wife, no husband, no person should allow anyone to pound them, or beat the sense out of their skull.
If he beat you once, he'll do it again, and again.
Please get help from your local battered women's shelter or organization.
Domestic violence is still violence and no one should have to accept a beating, call the police if he ever touches you again.
Remember, don't see him unless your lawyer, the police, or the judge is present.
By all means, don't involve innocent babies and other family members in think mess.