Do I have a case? Fired asap with bogus reasons after becoming aware of ethical viola

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I have been in the Mental Health field with a Masters degree for many years, and recently relocated to a new area and was hired as a case manger and immediately terminated after 3 weeks. I was given very bogus reasons and outright lies, with nothing whatsover documented or given a chance to attempt to correct these things. Only until writing to Human resources after the termination, was I given reasons, which were discriminatory and attempts to defame intergrity and professional character. I was more then qualified for the position and after a meeting with supervisor discussing my moving to anohter position, which was positive, did I find out I was fired for reasons which had nothing to do with my qualifications and I feel there were attempts to spread rumors in the workplace about me.

I became aware of patient/employee relationships and violations in which risk management became aware of and did nothing. Many employees are providing therapy and company is billing fradulently. Therapists are unqualifed with bachelors degrees and hired as volunteers and with drug and criminal backgrounds to provide therapy that are not providing professional or ethical services to the clients.

After termination, I also was given reasons about dress code and making light of my Masters degree and being on my cell phone, which were not trued at all and made up and these very reasons are discrimanatory because others in the workplace are violating these and not reprimanded at all. I feel I was discriminated against on many levels -education, dress and intention to defame my reputation. This has caused much stress in my life.

Do I have a case and if so what is the statue of limitations? I feel there are things this company is intentional hiding and afraid of-HIPPA violations, Arizoana State professional violations and JCHAO.

I have many other documented letters to support the above and more details.

ME in AZ
I suggest you speak with an attorney.
If you wish to pursue legal action against your former employer, you'll need legal help anyway.
I have written documentation to send you. Can I send this to you to get further elaboration?

No, I don't want to establish an attorney-client relationship.
Your best bet is to take your documentation to a local attorney.
The initial consultation is gratis.
That way you can receive an unbiased evaluation of your case.
A wrongful termination means that you were fired for a reason prohibited by law. What law do you believe was violated by your termination?
Discrimination--because in writing many reasons were constantly stating that I was disheveled and wrinkled, when this was not true, not my style, I have proof otherwise of this, and no dress code ---i in fact matched what my supervisor and others wore for an environment working with children in therapy. There were several other wormen in fact that meet that discription. I have always been very professional and maintain a professional image.
Also, stated drug tested twice in work-place, when I have NEVER done drugs whatsover, I was never given a chance within the 3 weekds of employment to do anything related to my job other than training. I have been a therapist for close to 15 years, and have NEVER had these issues. Also, after the fact of being terminated was told "I just wasnt a good fit" , prior to employment offer all background checks were done, education confirmed and references. I have also received my finger-print clearance card. What is the statute of limitations on this, if I do have a case.
From what you are saying here, it doesn't sound like you have a very good argument to make. They don't have to keep you if they don't want to.
What you have described does not constitute illegal discrimination. Nor does a wrongful termination mean that you were fired for something you didn't do. I'm not seeing anything illegal in your termination.
Discrimination--because in writing many reasons were constantly stating that I was disheveled and wrinkled, when this was not true, not my style, I have proof otherwise of this, and no dress code ---i in fact matched what my supervisor and others wore for an environment working with children in therapy. There were several other wormen in fact that meet that discription. I have always been very professional and maintain a professional image.
Also, stated drug tested twice in work-place, when I have NEVER done drugs whatsover, I was never given a chance within the 3 weekds of employment to do anything related to my job other than training. I have been a therapist for close to 15 years, and have NEVER had these issues. Also, after the fact of being terminated was told "I just wasnt a good fit" , prior to employment offer all background checks were done, education confirmed and references. I have also received my finger-print clearance card. What is the statute of limitations on this, if I do have a case.

With your credentials, you should be focusing your energies on finding another job that will probably be much better than this. There is no evidence that you have a case at all unless your discrimination is based on Race or Gender. Seek another job and get away from the fake therapists you describe.
Why not? Now, if you had said "a protected characteristic such as race or gender, as examples" then I would agree it was sufficient. But your post implies that only race and gender are protected.
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