Do i have a case ?

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I work for a fire and ambulance service.I am 1 of 2 females on my shift. At my job there are a total of 3 full time females. My employers know that i have bipolar disorder. I go to counseling every 2 weeks. I am a certified EMT-I and Firefighter. ON Friday i had a co worker who is a lower lvl than me make a decision on my ambulance that caused me to take a call i was in no way certified for I made a complaint to my LT. and he was talked to. On Wednesday i came to work and i was placed with the same guy i asked my Capt. for a different partner and he asked why so i explained Fridays situation and was told no that i needed to stand up for my self. So by that point i was emotionally upset. I proceeded to do my job. Well later i went to my Capt. for some batteries for equipment and he asked me what was wrong i told him that i can't take being disrespected by this guy any more and he told me in order to get respect i have to show respect. Then told me that i was always disrespectful and that i was always in a bad mood and that i needed to stop being so emotional. Then today I was called into a meeting with the Chief, Asst. Chief, Capt. and Lt.. They told me that i needed to change how i acted and to just be nice to everyone. I told them that i do not see where i have been the way they are telling me i have been. and i was told i either need to change the way i am or i will be further reprimanded. The problem is the guys talk to me however they want and nothing is ever done. I have even had a coworker ask me for sex. Of course i said no. But i feel i am being told i can't be who i am and when the guys make smart remarks to me i have to take it and say nothing. So now the choices i have are to quit my job, Kiss butt and let them say what they want to me and not be emotional about any of it or make any remarks back. How am i supposed to handle this? is this discrimination ? or can they do this? I have been sent home 2 days in a row now because they have cut me down so bad i could not stop crying. Someone please help me with this. Thank you Leigh589
Most important is not to panic. If you panic you'll cause yourself stress and if you're cooler and calmer, you'll likely be able to handle this. :)

I don't know the details of how your company works. Have you made a formal written complaint?

I don't know the details but it sounds like you may be best to try to keep your distance and just do your job. If someone says something to you that upsets you, take a deep breath, count to 5 before even thinking of saying something, and try to be polite in responding. It's not always your fault that others around you are a challenge to work with but sometimes acting diplomatic is the only way. By being a little emotional and hysterical it may add to a poor perception of yourself and challenge your credibility. Do you think you might want to try it this way and be more diplomatic first before starting a commotion? Could it help?

I wish you luck with this.
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