Do I have a law suit

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I currently work in a large company. I work in the R&D department as a Senior Food Scientist. I am responsible for creating formulas for products. We have a pilot plant to produce batches. These batches are produced by pilot plant operators. One of the individuals who on this day was responsible for producing one of the batches took short cuts and one batch for sure was messed up. The other batches I could not determine if he messed up the batches or if the formula was just a failure because he did not obtain samples that he was requested to pull. Of course I had to report why I needed to remake these batches. His manager addressed this matter with him. He was made at me. On remaking the batches, I requested that he pull samples for me and he just looked at me and walked away. I had to ask another operator to pull the samples. I then addressed this with my boss and his boss. At this time I requested with his manager and my manager that he not make anymore batches for me on this project as it was affecting me meeting on time and in full. He boss told me that he was going to continue to make batches and give him another chance. I did. The next batch to my knowledge was made correctly. The very next day as myself and another person in the department were tasting the product. He looks at me and says "Does it taste like piss?" obviously the situation was already tense. This comment to me was threatening. I immediately contacted his boss, I had to leave him a message. I received a message that He would address this and look into this. Days went by and nothing happened. I was expecting at this time and went into premature labor and was put on bed rest. I received a phone call message a week later from His manager saying that this would be discussed when I returned from maturnity leave. I returned back to work and it was still not addressed. I have documented all of these events and tried to go to my boss, my bosses boss, and his boss. During this time, I have received e-mails that were to me hostal. This has created a very stressful work environment for me. I finally took this to HR. I have been told that it was addressed. He is still in the same department with me and I was told I would have to work with him. I feel that my management and HR just want to shove this under the rug. This operator has had to take anger management already (twice) for cussing out individuals within the group. I was also told because I would not let this drop that I have created a negative work environment within the group. I have been an above average employee for 9 years and have received a yearly pay raise to prove it. How should I handle this situation and what is my rights? I would greatly appreciate you advise in this situation.
He looks at me and says "Does it taste like piss?" obviously the situation was already tense.

Sounds like a piss poor basis for a lawsuit.
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