Does a law that fits this exist in Washington State?

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I recently transferred as a "lateral" from a large metropolitan Police department Arizona to a very small municipal Police department in Washington State. I have been a sworn law enforcement officer for almost ten years now.

In AZ we used to charge people with a crime titled "Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor" (a class 2 misdemeanor).
This statute covered, not only providing minors with alcohol or tobacco, but also behavior such as; an adult driving a minor around who had snuck out of the home without parental consent, an adult consorting with a minor who is inexcusably skipping school, etc. (Pretty much exactly what the title said... contributing to their delinquency.)
An Officer I work with here in Washington who's been a cop for "almost a year" (his answer if you were to ask him how long he's been on the job) said Washington State Law has no such prohibition.
Is he right? I did a search for RCW's with the word "minor" in them and read through about 400 of the 1100 Internet hits with no success in finding anything.
(I also searched through ARS for comparison and couldn't find the law we used to charge with there either.)

My question is:
Does the Revised Code of Washington define a crime for which I can arrest a 21-year-old man who picks up a 13-year-old girl and a couple of her friends and takes them cruising around town during school hours without the permission of their parents?
Don't know if this helps or not
Chapter 9.52 (City Of Burlington, Washington)
9.52.020 Contributing to delinquency of minor.
A. Any person who, by an any act or omission, encourages, causes or contributes to the delinquency of a delinquent child as defined above shall be guilty of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

B. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor is a misdemeanor. (Ord. 1053 § 14.2, 1984).
It may in the future, thank you.

Unfortunately that is a city ordinance outside of the jurisdiction I work in.

Aside from that, one of the provisions is that the suspect contributes to the delinquency as that same towns ordinance defines in a sperate paragraph.

Their definition of "Delinquent child" being "includes any person under the age of 18 years who violates any law of this state, or any ordinance of any town, city or county of this state."

I'm hoping to find something that includes the broader definition of "juvenile delinquency": behavior of a child or youth that is so marked by violation of law, persistent mischievousness, antisocial behavior, disobedience, or intractability as to thwart correction by parents and to constitute a matter for action by the juvenile courts.

This does help though because if I'm not able to find a state code that fits, I plan to take steps to have such a law enacted by my city council. So any similar statues/codes/laws that anyone knows of from other states or municipalities will help give me a model to use when I make the proposal.

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