Does I still need to pay child support?

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I had an affair with a married woman and now she claims to be pregnant. I have a family too and she at first said that she wouldn't ask for anything. Now she is saying that she will send me to court. So I guess my question is that if I was to sign off my parental rights, would I still need to pay childsupport even though her husband would give the baby his last name?
I would think that if the husband claims the child and puts his name on the b.c. then he is then the "father". I think the only way for her to start getting support from you once the baby is born is by getting paternity established that you are the father. If she is trying to hide the fact that she cheated on her husband and is pregnant with your child I wouldn't think this is what she would do. The only way for you to get out of your obligation to support the child is if the husband would adopt the child. if in fact the child is even yours. boy you have yourself in a situtation dont you.
also a little bit of personal advice. Next time I would advise keeping it in our pants and not go around having affairs. If you end up having to pay child support you had it coming to you!
What makes you think you think you can just sign off on your parental rights? You cannot. Her husband is the legal father of the baby unless he officially disputes paternity. If you are asked to take a DNA test you must comply and yes she can most certainly ask for child support. Your marital status, and hers, has nothing to do with your financial responsibility. I suggest you and your wife accept that fact you might be paying for this child.
You wont have to pay unless youre established as the father through a paternity test. If she never takes it that far then you're completely out of the picture. If the husband adopts even after you've been proven as the father then you wont have to pay support in that instance either. Also does the husband know the child may be yours?
You wont have to pay unless youre established as the father through a paternity test. If she never takes it that far then you're completely out of the picture. If the husband adopts even after you've been proven as the father then you wont have to pay support in that instance either. Also does the husband know the child may be yours?
Yes, she says that her husband knows and that its going to be up to her. My wife tells me that she told her that the husband has bought everything for the baby. I know I should of kept it in my pants and not trust her. She said she was on the iud and obviously it turn out to be no. Also I know I should of use a condom but I wasn't thinking. I do love my wife and this has taken a toll on her. I just don't want for her to be reminded every month of the stupidity act that I did. So yes her husband knows.
What makes you think you think you can just sign off on your parental rights? You cannot. Her husband is the legal father of the baby unless he officially disputes paternity. If you are asked to take a DNA test you must comply and yes she can most certainly ask for child support. Your marital status, and hers, has nothing to do with your financial responsibility. I suggest you and your wife accept that fact you might be paying for this child.
We both have but I just don't want for her to be reminded every month that I cheated on her. We are trying to move on, well she is trying the hardest since I was the one who cheated. I just feel awfull and want to make things better for my wife.
The bottom line is you don't have any parental rights to relinquish at this point. Her husband is going to be the child's legal father unless he disestablishes paternity.
Well the child does exist and your wife better face the fact its possible this child is yours. If she cannot accept the child then she needs to check out of the marriage. At this point though, the womans husband is the legal father. Be prepared though he may change his mind about this whole mess before or after the birth and if he disputes paternity, you will have to comply with any court orders to take a DNA test.
We both have but I just don't want for her to be reminded every month that I cheated on her. We are trying to move on, well she is trying the hardest since I was the one who cheated. I just feel awfull and want to make things better for my wife.

I really hate to explain this to you, but this is no longer about YOU or your wife's feelings. You trampled those when you crawled into bed with the other woman. It's too late to worry about that.

If this other woman's husband is willing to take your child and raise him/her as his own, God love him. You will get out of the responsibility that you deserve to have.

This is about That CHILD'S needs, wants, feelings and rights and the Wronged husband's feelings. Not yours, hers or your wife's. It's too late to think about that. Do what is in the best interest of the child.

You haven't solved the main problem of your incredible selfishness though. You have not once been even a little concerned about the child. You just don't want to pay child support, or suffer the consequences of having to rub your deed in your wife's face. How about being concerned that you are trying to deny the child knowledge of his/her father?

I hope the other guy keeps the child as his own. He sounds like a stand up guy for even considering it. You need to be ashamed, not just for cheating on your wife with a married woman, but more so for having little or no interest in your flesh and blood child. I hope you get what you want. I think it will be best for the child.
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