Does it constitute as abandonment if a husband fails to return from a trip abroad?

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New Member
US Federal Law
Husband traveled to a country designated as a terrorist state. Legal issues, accident or other issues have prevented his return or he may have just decided to stay there much longer than anticipated. Does this constitute abandonment? He has extensive properties in USA, the wife has multiple collage age kids that need money for schooling and other expenses. The wife has advanced cancer which requires lots of money for further treatment. Can the wife gets all or most of his properties even if those properties were acquired before they married? Does this situation constitute abandonment? How can the wife gets the money she needs to function?
How can the wife gets the money she needs to function?

I suggest you immediately look for divorce lawyers in your city or town.

The above suggestion is premised on the assumption you're the spouse.

However, you sound as if you're one of the college aged offspring.

If you're the latter, rather than the former, advise mother to seek a divorce attorney.

The governmental related suggestions could be pursued by any close relative, spouse, offspring, sibling, etc...

Once you've selected three or four, make appointments with the lawyers you've located to determine which one will best represent you.

You should also contact the US Department of State because your husband might be in distress.

Ways to Locate your Loved One in a Crisis Abroad

You could also contact your US Senators and your US Congressperson for assistance.

Your husband might have stumbled into some very difficult problems in a country that sponsors and exports terrorism.

He could be ill, jailed, or heaven forbid, deceased.

Good luck, let us know what you learn as your search moves along.
Husband traveled to a country designated as a terrorist state. Legal issues, accident or other issues have prevented his return or he may have just decided to stay there much longer than anticipated. Does this constitute abandonment? He has extensive properties in USA, the wife has multiple collage age kids that need money for schooling and other expenses. The wife has advanced cancer which requires lots of money for further treatment. Can the wife gets all or most of his properties even if those properties were acquired before they married? Does this situation constitute abandonment? How can the wife gets the money she needs to function?
This is in the state of Virginia.
I suggest you immediately look for divorce lawyers in your city or town.

The above suggestion is premised on the assumption you're the spouse.

However, you sound as if you're one of the college aged offspring.

If you're the latter, rather than the former, advise mother to seek a divorce attorney.

The governmental related suggestions could be pursued by any close relative, spouse, offspring, sibling, etc...

Once you've selected three or four, make appointments with the lawyers you've located to determine which one will best represent you.

You should also contact the US Department of State because your husband might be in distress.

Ways to Locate your Loved One in a Crisis Abroad

You could also contact your US Senators and your US Congressperson for assistance.

Your husband might have stumbled into some very difficult problems in a country that sponsors and exports terrorism.

He could be ill, jailed, or heaven forbid, deceased.

Good luck, let us know what you learn as your search moves along.
This is hypothetical, I am neither the wife nor the siblings but an interested party that wants to know what might happen if a situation like this occurs. The husband has legal issues in the aforementioned country and there is a good possibility that he may not be able to return in the time he plans to or get stuck or even choose not to return for an extended time. He may also be physically harmed as retribution due to legal problems he is facing in this country or just by a traffic accident or theft, or be put in jail if others successfully prosecute him for the legal issue that have risen. His properties in USA need constant ongoing attention like collecting rent or vacating nonpaying tenants or renting out vacating properties and the wife with her health challenges won't be able to look after them. After time passes and he is not returning the wife may give up and look for solutions. He may also need more money than he takes with him abroad, a situation that can not be easily resolved since money can not be sent to this country legally from USA without possible terrorist charges against the sender and blocking of the accounts.
This is hypothetical, I am neither the wife nor the siblings but an interested party that wants to know what might happen if a situation like this occurs. The husband has legal issues in the aforementioned country and there is a good possibility that he may not be able to return in the time he plans to or get stuck or even choose not to return for an extended time. He may also be physically harmed as retribution due to legal problems he is facing in this country or just by a traffic accident or theft, or be put in jail if others successfully prosecute him for the legal issue that have risen. His properties in USA need constant ongoing attention like collecting rent or vacating nonpaying tenants or renting out vacating properties and the wife with her health challenges won't be able to look after them. After time passes and he is not returning the wife may give up and look for solutions. He may also need more money than he takes with him abroad, a situation that can not be easily resolved since money can not be sent to this country legally from USA without possible terrorist charges against the sender and blocking of the accounts.
We don't do hypotheticals. This site is for people who have real life issues.
I did not know that. But prevention is worth a ton of cure and so to know the possibilities are truly valuable.
Well...when a person has this situation they can join, give the facts of their particular situation, and be advised on the appropriate steps.
I did not know that. But prevention is worth a ton of cure and so to know the possibilities are truly valuable.

The person should NOT travel to the terrorist nation for any reason.

If he does travel to the unnamed nation (the sponsor of terrorists and exporter of terrorism) he might as well forget ever returning to the USA.

One would have to be insane to walk into a cave filled to the brim with angry, hungry lions.

Nothing to hypothesize about, if one returns to any nation run by religious zealots, crazed wannabe dictators and potentates, along with maniacal, radicalized terrorists. If the unnamed man did that, all you can do is hold a funeral service to remember him and the former GOOD TIMES.

May your mystery man rest is peace.
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